Tiago and I decided that we needed a break from our studies in Budapest and hopped on a plan to Spain. We visited Barcelona and Madrid over the weekend. In Barcelona we rented a GoCar- it is a small scooter-like vehicle in which we did our sight-seeing. It has a built-in GPS which gives the information of all the famous sights and it was a great experience! This is Tiago waiting in the passenger seat for me: This is also me resting next to the beautiful tiled stairs in Barcelona:
I am freaking out! I want to procrastinate. I want to do everything but work. I need to type up my notes on Medieval Economic History and my attention span is about at a zero.
I am listening to Vivaldi's The Four Seasons- Summer. Favorite music ever.
I am colorblind Coffee black and egg white Pull me out from inside I am ready I am taffy stuck and tongue tied Stutter shook and uptight Pull me out from inside I am ready I am fine I am covered in skin No one gets to come in Pull me out from inside I am folded and unfolded and unfolding I am colorblind Coffee black and egg white Pull me out from inside I am ready I am fine (
1. I am the Deputy History Department Representative. 2. Carrying readers around makes my arms hurt. 3. I made a new friend today while sitting on a bench because I couldn't walk any further.
God, give me the energy I need. And everything else, too!